I'm interested to find out who's been here, and where you are from!
So write a little something and PLEASE include your name, country, and
email address if you like! I'd like to see how many of us can sign this
page and where we are from!
Hi! I've liked HoJo since 84!!! I love the song Things Can Only Get Better oh and few others. He's a goood songwriter he is simply genius. IM outy!
Nice webpage!!! Glad to see Howard is still doin his thing so well...I can't wait to see him perform here in CT in August...Thom Adams BridgeportCT
Hi! My name is Stacey Prest and I'm from the States. I love Howard Jones and I'm going to see him on tour with Culture Club and the Human League on August 7th. I can't wait! I love all of their music and I've been waiting for this all my life......later
I love your page! Right now I'm listening to an interview with Howard on the radio here in Atlanta GA. I am so excited to see that there are so many Howard fans out there. It seems that there aren't many of us here in Georgia. I have been a fan since Humans Lib was released and I think that his music has only continued to get better. The new cd People rules!!! Thanks for the page. Tara Smith
Great page!!! I am trying to find the 12 album that has Things can only get better What is love and Newsong I had it but gave it away . Can you still purchase that album? If so how? Again You have a really great webpage!!
Tiffany Burt I'm from Provo Utah.
Hi Christine. Been a while since we talked. Keep promoting "Step Into These Shoes". -love ya! Joel
Loved the new album.
Wow! I may get to meet Howard tonight if I can get off work to go to his in-store signing. I love that man! What an artsist.
I am always asking questions to myself. (Interesting Post - Thank You Christine)
It's so nice to find a page for someone that has been a hero for years and that I thought everyone else has forgotton. Obviously not! Great page - hope the new album lives up to the Angels and Lovers concert I saw recently I'm sure it will.
Chris - England
I would like to think of myself as a fan of Howard Jones I live in Cumberland which is outside of Ottawa Ontario Canada which supposedly Howard attended school briefly. George Jong
Great job Christine! Really nice pics of Howard too. Keep up the good work. Lisa o
Dino Schmid Living in Cologne Germany - I just entered
Your very special site - that's a real tribute to one of the most melodic artists of today! thanx a lot
Ronn Hubbard Jr. KY Big HoJo fan nice web site.
Sara Motley from Atlanta Georgia USA. Howard has been there at every major time in my life.
Hi! I'm a Hojo-talk lurker from Edmonton AB. Great site! Wendy
Great page! I think Howard is an amazing songwriter! He's very in touch with the human spirit! I hope to see him on tour this summer.take care! SyracuseNY
I got Humans Lib for free at my next door neighbors garage sale. HoJo was one of the first videos I ever saw on MTV. I've eagerly sponged up every CD I could find since! I guess I was 8 or 9 then running around singing "challenging preconceived ideas" from New Song. I judge new people on whether they've heard or heard of HoJo and then whether they like him. Never been to a concert though. Wish I could! Never hear of US tours! Know he has done them! This website is my new online home! Thanx! Kristen Tribby Indianapolis IN USA
I'm Wendy living in Provo Ut but I'm from St.Catharines Ontario Canada. I've loved Howard since I was 10 and the man has been a primary source of joy for me ever since now 25. I can't say enough about him except that he needs to meet me. I just want to tell him thanks. Wendy G.
Hi! I've sent an e-mail to Christine but I must sign this. I'm Craig Gilbert a
colossal fan of Howard since 1983. The longing is still the same! Thank you for a great page.
I've had fun browsing your site - a great tribut to an amazing artist! Thanks!
Carolyn Toronto
We are not huge fans of HoJo but weve always enjoyed his music. What brought us here was a search for song lyrics we were arguing over a phrase from "What is Love". Great site by the way. Denise and Jennifer
Hi I'm glad to know that there are others who like Howards music My name is Madelin and I'm from Colorado. Thanks!
Hello my name is Todd Springer and I live in San Lorenzo Calif.
I have been a Howard Jones fan since I first heard "What Is Love". I have seen him in concert 7 times and have meet him 2 different times. Thank you for this web site. It almost brings tears to my eyes to see all of these other fans comments. Unfortunatley I do not meet very many people who have heard his music. Their loss I do try to get them to listen to his music especially "Hide And Seek" Thank You Very Much Todd Springer
Melissa Johnson Bellingham Washington. I have been a big HoJo fan for many years. His music has gotten me through some rough times. I love his music; it is phenomenal. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis about 7 years ago and his music has gotten me through. He is the best musician out there to this day.
Hi! My name is Mary and I am thrilled to discover this wonderful site. I have been a HoJo fan for more than half my life and I am so happy to have finally found a place to get info on my all-time fave musician and communicate with other fans. I am from the US.
You have really done Howards music justice with this site. I love to see others that share my admiration for Hojo. Keep it up! - John Ryan Orem UT
Hi! I'm Shyla and I'm from the U.S.A. I'm a very recent Howard Jones fan. I bought "The Best of Howard Jones" just the other day and I'm completely hooked! He has such an incredible voice and he's one of the best songwriters around. My favorite songs are "The Prisoner" "Lift Me Up" "Things Can Only Get Better" and "New Song." I hope one day to see him live because if he's as captivating in concert as he is on record it'll be something to see. Besides he's still pretty cute!
Hi My names is Huw Roberts I'm a distant cousin of Howards. Great to see that the world has not let such a great artist slip into obscurity. See ya!! Huw
YO ! I am a HJ fan from way back. Hide and Seek and Humans Lib still being my
favorate LP. HJ is a musical Guru that changes your way of thinking and living. Rob Albury Australia
Great web site!! I met my husband to be at a Howard concert in 1985 in Los Angeles - it was outdoors under the stars!! To this day he remains a favorite -- anxious for the new album to come out. Thanks for your hard work here. Shannon & Ken Cole - Burbank California USA
This is an awesome website. I've been a Howard Jones fan for years. Joe Wright New JerseyArkansas
Thanks for all your work on this site. The first time I saw Howard live was in 83 when he opened for the Eurythmics in Salt Lake City and I have lost track of how many of his concerts I've seen since. I'm glad he enjoys coming back to SLC as often as we like having him. I was at a dance a few weeks ago and the DJ played "New Song." I had to just go and stand directly in front of the speaker and have myself a little Howard Jones moment. He will ALWAYS be one of my very favorites and I hope someday to meet him. I love hearing from so many of this other fans from around the world!! Fran - Salt Lake City Utah
This is a great website! And you're from Toronto! Even better! I'm
sure I've seen you at concerts since I've been to nine of them but it would
be great to chat! Keep up the good work on the site -- it's an excellent
tribute to an amazing artist. Brenda
Torrance Toronto
Keep up the good work.... Rob McNeish
Howards been the biggest influence to me since the young
age of 12! I'm now 25 and his music still means a lot to me. No other artist
has ever touched my life the way he has. I've always referred to Howard
as being a close friend and I just know that someday we will meet. Eddie
Smith Louisville Kentucky USA.
Julie here from Cambridge Ontario Canada. I'm glad to
see so many fans here and such devoted fans too! It's nice to follow an
artist from the beginning of their career which it seems most of us have
done with Howard. No funny looks from anyone here when you mention "New
Song" even nicer when you can mention "Equality" and they
know what you're talking about!
Hi Christine....... Love your web site!!!!!!!! It's great
Thanks for sharing your love of Howard with us all. Theresa
I am so glad that someone cared enough to dedicate a web
page to such a spectacular performer! Howard Jones deserves such
recognition! Thank you. Susan
C. Smith Ohio USA
Hello. It's great to see so many familliar names from
the HoJo Talk list have signed the guest book. Hello to all Glenn Kelly.
Hello All Hojo fans! I was there at the Risk meet... even
got the official photo to prove it! Baguette Excellent site BTW!
Hello Christine! I'm Savitri
from Jakarta Indonesia. I guess I haven't been lucky enough to have a chance
to see Howard in live concert. But since Howard never have a tour dates
that include Indonesia I guess I just have to be content by listening to
his album. I do hope Howard will be able to perform here! Well maybe its
just wishfull thinking. You've done agreat job with the homepage.
Big Jim
Hi Christine. I'm Kim from Toronto. I've been at every
Howard show in Toronto since 1985 so I'm sure we would recognize one another
if we were to meet. Great page. I guess well see both be at the next show
in T.O. See you then.
Hi there Christine. My name is Christopher
Earl and I have been a fan of Howards Ever since I first heard "Things
can only get better" about 12 years ago. I live in Prince George BC
Great Site! How did you get that Life In One Day midi
file I cant find HoJo midi files for love or money. Cant wait for Angels
and Lovers. Howards been an inspiration to me since Dream Into Action and
he continues to be so. Keep up the good work Christine. DanDare
Hello Carl from
Dublin. Great web site - well done! Can anyone out there please tell me
when and where I can get a copy of Angels & Lovers. Please e-mail me
at [email protected]
Hello Christine here is Lars Lawuki Schmidt from Germany.
Very nice Homepage. But your Have-List is not up to date after receiving
my parcel. I have send it to you today. Your German friend Lars
Congratulations Christine it's a very interesting homepage
for all HoJo-Fans all over the world. I love his music since he started
with "New Song". I think he's the best musician of the 80's and
90's and it's great to get a new album from him. He is at the moment not
in the charts but in the hearts !!!!
I'm looking at this page to compile info on Howard Jones
for a future article on Hopefully your news section will
be up soon! I haven't surfed your site in entirety but I like what I've
seen so far. Take Care Michele Managing Music Editor
Hi every Howards Fans. Finally I got Howards new CD!!
Its fantastic! I like "We make the Weather" and "When Lovers
Confess". What do you like? FUMIO WATANABE TOKYO
How do you do My name is Katsuhisa Ogawa. Live in Yokohama
in JAPAN. Howards new CD is fantastic ! Did you listen I like it best.
See you again!
Excellent job Christine! The site is fantastic. Now I'm
living in Oxford UK but I'm orginally from Long Island NY where Howard
has always had a large group of fans. I think Howards music has a way of
bringing people together and your site is helping that even further. Keep
up the good work! Leslie Cintron
Finally! I've found a Howard Jones page on the net! I
love this page and am going to put it in my bookmarks. Christine has done
a fantastic job. I'm from Salt Lake City Utah - one of the largest fan
pools in the world... his concert here was Awesome and I hope he makes
the video of it soon Live Accoustic America Tour 96. Howard is an extraordinary
person sings wonderfully and has lyric with deeper meaning. Salt
Lake City Fan
Your home page is great. from Blakely Ga down south.
Close to Alabama and Florida line.
Hello! This is Dan Gries - I'm working on "powerhouse"
for the tribute album. It's coming along fine. I'm working on a FOUR-TRACK
so all you folks out there with DATs and recordable CDs and hard-disk recording
just be prepared for something a little less professional-sounding. Other
than that I think my version will be nice. I've been a Howard Jones fan
for a VERY long time...nice page here. See you!
©1997/98/99/00/01 All rights belong to Christine