I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their
kind words. It makes this all worth while and a pleasure to do. It's working.
Hello. I thought that I would check out your homepage.
Very nice. I like all the pictures you took they are very well done. Robb
Hello! I have been following Howard and his music for over 13 years
now! His music has helped me through many difficult events in my life.
Thanks to Howard for all of the joy he brings to people through his music
and his actions! Christine thanks for this HoJo site! Keep up the good
work. I hope to meet some more fans on the next tour. Take Care! Gary
Dysarz Dearborn Mi. USA
Hey Christine and all Ho Jo fans. Here I am again and I just realized
that I never signed the guest book. OOPS. Howard's a great musician this
is a great site its a great life! Ed
Adams LA California USA.
Pernilla Ronnholm
SWEDEN - I never expected so much about Howard on the net its great to
see so many fans out there! There was a time when I thought I was the only
one. Luckily that has now changed...
Hello all!! Good to see another fan from UK here too!! I have been
a follower since "Pearl In The Shell" days and have not stopped
listening ever since! Like so many of you out there Howard has been a tremendous
source of energy and help since day one. Whatever you go through in life
be it good or bad isn't there always a song that is how you feel or uplifting!!This
is great being able to talk to like minded people too! Thank you to Howard
and you all - David.
I am from Tobridge Kent England.
Hi my name is Robbie Brown. I live in Charlotte NC USA. Great Web Site.
Hope to hear from some of you.I'm also looking forward to the release of
Angels and Lovers in the US.Thanks again for the Site. Robbie
Well done on getting the page set up. It has been great to get
to know some fans from around the world so well! Keep up the great work.
It is one of my life ambitions to see Howard play Sydney Australia again!
Take care and God Bless - Adam Wilson
from Sydney
Nice page congratulations. I love Howard and his music for more than
13 Years now. He inspired me in many things of my life. Hope "A&L"
will be in the shops soon !!! - Juergen
Keimeleder - Ingolstadt Germany
Hi Christine and everyone!!! Superb site...It's great to read other
peoples comments on why they Hold Howard so dear. I'm 29 and live in Reading
England...just a few miles from fact I often work in Wycombe
and have kept my eyes luck so far.. Howard means a lot to me...helped
through growing up...teenage angst...parental split etc.!! Taught me not
to give up!!! Steve Johnson
Hey Christine This website is great. It's so great to hear from
other fans! For a while there thought I was the only one. Keep up the good
work. Gina - Utah
You know where I'm from! Probably, Lynda Stauffer. Great web site!!!
Gotta go study now.... Lynda Stauffer Florida
Well I'm here... This really is a nice page. This really does seem
wonderful in that that feeling that you are the only Howard Jones fan on
earth is rebuked every time one comes on this site. May it continue to
flourish... Christopher Peters -
Cleveland OH USA
Hello fellow HOJO fans! My compliments on a great interactive site
Christine! I can't think of a better tribute to Howard than to bring all
the fans he has touched together. I look forward to reading everybody's
contributions and watching the site grow over the years. Leigh
Craney - Ontario Canada.
Hi Christine! You and I chatted on IRC briefly before once on the Undernet
hojochat channel. Great site!! - You put a lot of work in to it I know
what a pain forms in HTML are.. - I enjoy Howard's music very much too
and there are songs of his that mean a lot to me. And yes I also feel sometimes
isolated as a fan that it seems that no one else nearby appreciates his
great music. Thanks for helping in the effort to bring the fans together..Nicole-Laurel
Nice Site Christine...happy to see it. - Craig
Hello to all.. You have a very nice site Christine. I can tell that
you put a lot of time and feelings into it. And just think three months
ago I thought that I was the only one who listens to Howard anymore. I've
lived a sheltered life I guess. Well I live in Ft.Lauderdale Florida U.S.A
and would hope to think that the one thing that I have done is hold Howard
and his music very close to me all these years. To me it is rather personal.
It has been hard to keep up since now I have a wife and children however
my support towards him stands with the 626 vinyl records that I have collected
over the years at sales, stores and such...All Howard. So I have a few
extra copies-. It was something fun to do. I hope to meet you in the future
at the next convention, or concert. At any rate you have done a wonderful
job. Brian Johnson
Hi Christine Jim from The List Dublin Ireland. Aged 25 Howard fan
since day one - in fact born to be a Howard fan... Mail me - Jim
Christine your HoJo web site looks wonderful! Its great to see
a place for HoJo fans to share their perspective on the web. Keep up the
great work! - Tim Davis
This is the website I've been waiting years to see! Thanks Christine
for all your hard work. The site is brilliantly informative has all those
cool pictures I want to see and we have a chance to link up with other
HoJo fans. Chris
Hammond - Utah
Hi! Great job Christine I'll try and get some items sent in to you
once I get some time.All the best with your HoJo site!! Kirk Ferguson -
Hello everyone... Its great to see such a wonderful site! Well done
Christine ! Thank you for your kind words... I hope the site continues
to flourish...Regards Alex Rahim
:-)> - UK
Well I've finally finished this web site. So I may as well sign
it! It's here for everyone...a fan database if you wish. I hope you enjoy
it as much as I did putting it together! All for Howard. Take Care All.
- Christine - Ontario, Canada
©1997 All rights belong to Christine